Fast websites for the blazing World

Working in web-development for more than 6 years we’ve realized and approved a number of rules to be taken care of. One of them is that website speed influence sales directy.
Citing Andy Crestodina, an eCommerce analyst:
“Web pages don’t have loading bars. So, when the page is slow, the visitor doesn’t know if the delay will be another 500 milliseconds or 15 seconds. Maybe it will never load. And the back button is right there.”
So every additional second of website loading make your business loosing potential customers. Thus it’s of extreme improtance for a business to optimize company’s website for speed. Moreover, it’s a well-known fact that Google looks at website speed ranking sites. Google prefers websites with fast load times as it positively impacts the user experience. In addition to this search engines can crawl fast websites more effectively.
As it was researched earlier only a one-second delay in page load time can result in:
We’ve checked on practice the positive impact of optimizing website speed on business: as you see on a diagram below ( results we get on our project we’ve rebuild as custom WordPress one using our methods step by step)
The basic point we are taking care of to build fast websites: clean code and properly structured website architecture. We are ready to assist you in improving your website speed today to rise your sales and business opportunities!