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WordPress in the early beginning was a platform for rapid blog development. But from the time that it was released in 2003 it was a long way. When web representation has become an integral part of a successful business, personal blogging software has become a natural choice for corporate websites and blogs because of already SEO-friendly architecture. Especially from 2007 when Yoast was developed. Additional advantages for international business appearing in the same year a multilanguage plugin called WPML which allows rapid translation of websites to multiple languages. Next big step forward was Woocommerce, after that WordPress became one of the most popular platforms for the ecommerce industry. Now if you hear about a shop on WordPress in 95% of cases you may be sure that it is a Woocommerce. Yes, it can be Ecwid or even custom Shopify implementation with WordPress but it is truly rare.
So when we started working with WordPress in late 2015 we already saw a fast-growing, rich ecosystem for developing personal blogs, corporate blogs, business sites, and ecommerce stores. Overall exactly this right choice of technology allows us to build a well-established business.
But what about Software on WordPress? Well, we built the first one after 3 years of developing all that I listed above. It was a WordPress Theme used to build vacation rentals websites and integrate layouts for a specific booking plugin which uses a digital marketing company with which we cooperate. Why are we called a WordPress theme as software? there are thousands of such on the Themeforest… you are right, you can pick any of them and build websites and integrate anything that you have. But indeed, you know what is there under the hood? There are tons of different unused code which not only make your website slower but can cause security issues. And nothing here to do – the theme was created for multipurpose use and has to be continued supported for this. Instead of this your own theme will have only what your business needs and are easy to secure. During the last 5 years as we build it and create over 500 websites using it – no one external can break it. And no surprise for a workflow, no updates that create a nightmare for your developing, SEO or marketing team.
The WordPress theme can be questioned if this software or not than Playlastman is definitely software. It is a membership platform for a popular UK and Ireland game called Lastman. In two words it is a game when people choose a team that has to win in the current round of Premier League and if they win – go to the next round till the one will stay. Here is more about the rules if you are interested. So this software will allow users to make payments, receive funds and see statistics and play a very interesting game that was painful to manage by hand.
Custom Post Type which is at the core of WordPress architecture allows the creation of a user-friendly interface for the admin areas, especially with the help of ACF plugin. Everyone likes when stuff is native to use.
And the diamond in the crown is a software for guides that allow you to create tours and receive books from around the World. Something like Uber but for guides. Allow rich operation between the software service provider, guide and end customer. We just push it to launch and suppose it will revolutionize the touristic industry. Indeed WordPress is a great PHP framework that allows you to do many things custom or propose a fast decision from its core. And here was a mix of it to achieve rich functionality in the correct way.
So to make a conclusion, WordPress is not just a system where you construct small websites or quickly build something to prove a concept but a platform that allows you to create complex decisions for different areas of business. Stable, fast and scalable.